vendredi 11 août 2017

‘It’s only hair!’ I hear you cry – my baby son’s hair-cutting ceremony

Faced with the prospect of shaving my son’s head for a traditional ceremony, I’m finding it hard to imagine him without hair

There’s a strong chance that if your baby is of Indian heritage, he or she will be blessed with an admirable head of hair. The type of crown that makes fellow parents coo over its thickness and sheer quantity and to wonder what on earth you are doing to make it grow so fast (almond oil massage works a treat for anyone who is wondering).

My 10-month-old son is heading towards his third haircut and this doesn’t include home botch jobs. The last one resulted in my father asking whether we had traced around a bowl to cut his grandson’s fringe. We swiftly headed to the barber to salvage what we could.

Hair forms an immense part of our identity, framing us and boosting our confidence

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from Children | The Guardian

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