mardi 10 novembre 2020

Social workers' efforts to protect children in lockdown have gone unnoticed | Harry Ferguson

As one of the only professions to continue doing home visits, social workers alone can not keep children safe from harm

The news that the numbers of babies in England that have suffered serious injury or neglect during the pandemic has increased by a fifth compared with the same period last year and eight have died from their injuries has been met with understandable shock and public concern. It is perhaps all the more shocking because so little public attention has been given to child protection during the coronavirus lockdown and particularly to what is happening to babies and children who aren’t old enough to be at school.

The same public invisibility applies to social work, the only profession consistently going into homes since the pandemic began to try to safeguard children and help families.

Related: Abuse of babies is up by a fifth during Covid crisis, Ofsted says

Related: Belinda Winder: 'Sexual abuse causes a tsunami of harm. This is why I want to help prevent it'

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from Children | The Guardian

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